Central Board of Irrigation and Power Central Board of Irrigation and Power - An ISO 9001 - 2000 Company Eight Decades of Service to the Nation
Society of Power Engineers (India)

Activities of the Societies

  • To hold meeting for the reading and discussion of communication or papers.

  • To hold meeting for periodical lectures by distinguished persons in art, science, engineering and industry.

  • To print, publish, sell, lend or distribute the proceedings or reports of the Society or papers, treatises on power engineering, power/energy management or its applications on allied subjects.

  • To form a library of books, pamphlets, work or manuscripts relating to power engineering or its application on allied subjects.

  • To encourage the operation of facilities to promote research and invention in power engineering or in its application including environment pollution and energy conservation.

  • To promote the cause of power engineers/power managers by all constitutions; means.

  • To promote and carry out energy conservation, energy audits, efficiency opitmisitation studies and may change suitable fees for this purpose.

  • To provide consultancy.

  • To foster such activity as would be conducive to the fulfillment of the above objectives.

Associated Bodies
World Water Council International Society for Rock Mechanics (INDIA) AITES World Tunnel Congress International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution International Geosynthetics Society (India). Society of Power Engineers (India) International Council on Large Electric Systems International Association for Small Hydro International Water Resources Association International Commission on Large Dams