Technical Committees
Presently, ICOLD has 25 Technical Committees that address current technical issues related to the development and management of water resources. The listing of the ICOLD Committees is given hereafter. A total of 143 Technical Bulletins have been published and are available for purchase. Information on these publications is given on ICOLD Catalog.
List of Committees:
Committee on computational aspects of analysis and design of dams.
Committee on seismic aspects of dam design
Committee on hydraulics for dams.
Committee on concrete for dams.
Committee on materials for fill dams
Committee on dam surveillance
Committee on the environment
Committee on dam safety
Committee on Engineering activities in the planning process for water resources projects
Committee on sedimentation of reservoirs
Committee on dam decommissioning
Committee on tailings dams and waste lagoons
Committee on operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of dams
Committee on the public awareness and education
Committee on register of dams and documentation
Ad Hoc Constitutional Committee
Committee on Dams for hydroelectric energy
Ad hoc committee on small dams
Committee on dams and floods
Committee on role of dams in the development and management of river basins
Committee on Cost Savings in Dam Construction
Committee on Groundwater Dams
Financial and Advisory Committee
Committee on Dams and Water Transfers
Committee on global climate change and dams, reservoirs and the associated water resources.