CIRED works for the purpose of increasing the business relevant competencies, skills and knowledge of those who see themselves as a part of the electricity distribution community, whether they are from the utility, product, consultancy, service, business or Academic sector.
CIRED is dedicated to the design, construction and operation of public distribution systems and of large installations using electrical energy in industry, services and transport.
CIRED covers
- The whole field of Electricity Distribution Systems and associated services, including dispersed and embedded generation issues
- The technical aspects of Electricity Supply
- Related aspects such as cost reduction,environment, organisation and skills
To support its objectives CIRED’s Technical Committee provides technical structure and content including papers and speakers to a biennial conference on developments and best practices in technology and management of electricity distribution.These conferences are open to participation by and contributions from experts from all over the world. The conferences which include an exhibition by manufacturing and other companies supplying the electricity distribution industry are organised alternately by AIM (Belgium) and IEE (UK) who also bear the financial responsibility of the conferences.
CIRED can undertake activities in working groups to support its objectives.
CIRED can in support of its objectives co-operate with other international organisations
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