The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) is a non-governmental International Organization which provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in dam engineering. The Organization leads the profession in ensuring that dams are built safely, efficiently, economically, and without detrimental effects on the environment. Its original aim was to encourage advances in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of large dams and their associated civil works, by collecting and disseminating relevant information and by studying related technical questions. Since the late sixties, focus was put on subjects of current concern such as dam safety, monitoring of performance, reanalysis of older dams and spillways, effects of ageing and environmental impact. More recently, new subjects include cost studies at the planning and construction stages, harnessing international rivers, information for the public at large, and financing.
The Commission pursues its goal through:
- Technical Committees which issue some 2-10 technical books, bulletins and register in a year
- Three-yearly Congresses with discussions on four technical subjects
- Technical Symposia in non-Congress years
- Technical lectures following with Symposia
- Workshops organized by the Technical Committees
The science of dam engineering and water management has been and is being advanced through ICOLD activities.
The Committee for International Commission on Large Dams, (INCOLD) is the Indian Committee interacting with ICOLD Central Office in Paris and helps in dissemination, in India, of information about new developments in dam engineering, besides projecting India's expertise at international level through participation in various events of ICOLD. Indian experts are many a time invited to officiate as members of ICOLD Committees on specialized topics. Presently Indian representatives are members in 12 technical committees out of 19 committees of ICOLD.
To promote objectives of the Committee which include:
- The advancement of dams planning, development, management, science & technology, research and education at International level.
- The establishment of an National forum for planners, administrators, managers, scientists, engineers, educators & others who are associated with dam engineering.
- Encouragement & collaboration with and support of International programs in the fields of dam engineering including cooperation with other organizations, in the activities of common interest.
4. To encourage membership in the Committee.
iii) To host the ICOLD Meetings.
iv) To provide an information service to all concerned with Dam Engineering about the development of techniques, new trends and experience gained by others to enable updating of knowledge.
v) To allow specialists in the various disciplines to discuss their experiences, research work and of techniques at various form.
vi) To act as a coordination body in India for International Commission on Large Dams.
The above objectives are being achieved by:
- By constituting of INCOLD Committees on the various topics in line with ICOLD technical committees.
- By circulating the draft reports/bulletins received from the Technical Committees of ICOLD among the experts in India to elicit their comments/suggestions. Discussions on these are included in the agenda of the Annual Meetings of ICOLD, held in various countries.
- To publish Newsletter Half yearly
- To organize/conduct workshop and symposia at a regular interval to address the various issues in dam engineering.
- To publish technical literature and to contribute information on different aspects of water resources development and management.
- To provide forum for the decision makers, planners etc. to exchange information on the various issues such as dam safety evaluation, rehabilitation and resettlement, RCC dams, instrumentation of existing dams etc.
- To arrange contribution of more numbers of papers in the ICOLD Congress/Symposia/Workshops etc. projecting the national expertise in the field of dam engineering.