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Society of Power Engineers (India)

How to Become Member

The following category of members are existing. The person desirous of becoming member may send the form duly filled in to SPE, India.

1) Honorary Fellow

  • An “Honorary Fellow” shall be a person who has distinguished himself by outstanding work in power engineering and whom the committee desires to honour for services rendered to the society or whose association therewith is to benefit to the Society.

  • Honorary Fellows shall be enrolled only by an invitation of the Committee and such enrolment shall be announced at the next meeting of the Society.

  • Not more than five (5) Honorary Fellow shall be enrolled in any one year.

  • Those enrolled as Honorary Fellows shall convey their acceptance to the enrolment within three (3) months from the date of intimation to them, failing which their enrolment shall be deemed to be non- effective and the Committee will be entitled to enroll new Honorary Fellows in their place if they so desire. The total number of Honorary Fellows shall not at any time exceed thirty (30).

2) Fellow

• Every candidate for the election or transfer to the grade of ‘Fellow’ shall comply with the following conditions:

• He shall be at least forty (40) year of age on the date of application.

• He shall qualify under one of the following:

  • Possess a degree in Engineering or allied field related to power engineering of a recognized University , or shall have passed the Examinations of the Society as prescribed by the committee for the particular grade of membership, or shall possess such equivalent qualification a may be approved by the Committee.

  • He shall have high educational qualification and shall occupy a prominent position in the profession of power engineering and or power sector management to the satisfaction of the Committee.

  • He should have been member of the Society for ten (10) years or such shorter period as the committee may decide in any particular case and have rendered exemplary service in the field of power engineering.

3) Member

  • Every candidate for election or transfer to the grade of “Member” shall comply with the following conditions:

  • He shall be at least thirty (30) years of age on the date of application or 5 years service which ever is advantageous to the applicant.

  • He shall possess a degree in engineering or allied field related to power engineering of a recognize University, or shall have passed the Examinations of the society as prescribed by the Committee for the particular grade of membership, or shall possess such equivalent qualification as may be approved by the Committee.

  • He shall have subsequent professional experience of not less then five (5) years.

  • He shall be engaged at the time of his application in the power engineering and or power sector management field, provided temporary unemployment is not deemed to be a disqualification.

4) Associate Member

  • Every candidate for election or transfer to the grade of “Associate Member” shall comply with the following conditions:

  • He shall be at least twenty two (22) years of age on the date of application.

  • He shall possess a degree or a diploma in engineering or allied field related to power engineering pf recognized University, or shall have passed the Examinations of the Society as prescribed by the Committee for the particular grade of membership, or shall possess such equivalent qualification as may be approved by the Committee.
  • He shall have at least one years of professional experience.

  • He shall be engaged at the time of his application in the power engineering field.

  • Student Member

  • Every candidate for election to the grade of “Student member shall comply with the following condition:

  • He shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age on the date of application.

  • He shall be undergoing a recognized degree or diploma course in engineering or such other course in engineering r such other course as may be approved by the Committee.

  • After election, he shall continue to be a Student Member until he is transferred as Associate Member after qualifying for the grade and subject to his payment of dues.

5) Institutional Member

• Every Institution for election to the grade of ‘Institutional Member’ shall satisfy the Committee that:

  • It is a firm, corporation, private or public enterprise or nay other like institution interested in advancement of the cause of power engineering : power sector management and

  • Has 500 employees or more on its permanent rolls, to be eligible to be enrolled as Group A, or more than 100 but less than 500 employees to be enrolled as Group B.

  • Group A membership entitles an organization to nominate two representatives to any one of the Society’s Local Centers are situated.

  • Group B membership entitles an organization to nominate one representative to any one of the Society’s Local Centres from its Head office/Branch Offices which are situated where such local Centres are situated.

  • Every person who was ans Honorary Member prior to this amended Constitution coming into force shall be deemed to be an Honorary Fellow.

  • Every person who was a Senior Member prior to this amended constitution coming into force shall be deemed to be a Member. However, he shall be the grade of “Follow”.

Associated Bodies
World Water Council International Society for Rock Mechanics (INDIA) AITES World Tunnel Congress International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution International Geosynthetics Society (India). Society of Power Engineers (India) International Council on Large Electric Systems International Association for Small Hydro International Water Resources Association International Commission on Large Dams