Individual Member
- a membership card from IGS Secretariat;
- an IGS lapel pin;
- the IGS membership directory, published yearly, with full addresses, telephone, telefax and telex/e-mail numbers of members;
- IGS NEWS, published three times a year, and IGS (India) News Bulletin, published two times a year;
- information on current test methods and standards.
- discount rates:
* for any document published in the future by IGS and IGS (India);
* at all international, regional or national conferences organised by IGS (India) and IGS or under its auspices;
* for the subscription of the journal "Geotextiles and Geomembranes";
* for the subscription of the journal "Geosynthetics International".
- preferential treatment at conferences organised by IGS (India) and IGS or under its auspices;
- possibility of being granted an IGS award.
Institutional Member
- 4 representatives to be made individual members of IGS (India) and IGS, free from payment of individual membership fee of Rs. 2,000/- per member.
- a copy each of the publications brought by the IGS (India) in future
- discount of Rs. 500/-, per representative, in each event to be organised by the IGS (India).
- IGS NEWS, published three times a year, and IGS (India) News Bulletin, published two times a year;
- right of using the IGS (India) logo at exhibitions and in promotional literature;
- priority (by seniority) at all exhibits organised by IGS (India);
- possibility of joining a specific international committee in order to discus topics of common interest
Student Member
- information on current test methods and standards;
- preferential treatment at conferences organised by IGS (India);
IGS membership directory, published yearly
- IGS NEWS, published three times a year, and IGS (India) News Bulletin, published two times a year;
- Special Student discounts:
* at all international, regional or national conferences organised by IGS (India) and IGS or under its auspices;
* eligibility for awards (and in particular the IGS Young Member Award)
* listing of theses relating to geosynthetics in the IGS News and IGS (India) News Bulletin.