- CBIP has a team of senior experts with vast experience of more than 30 yeas in various fields of water Resources and power.In addition ,CBIP has a large panel of experts is these fields.
- CBIP has a team of senior experts with vast experience of more than 30 yeas in various fields of water Resources and power.In addition ,CBIP has a large panel of experts is these fields.
- CBIP is a ISO 9001:2008 certified organization.
- CBIP has been regularly providing consultancy services.
- It has provided consultancy services to Tatas ,KPCL, WPC, Australia ,APSEB,TNEB, IREDA, India Canada Environment Facility(ICEF) etc.
- CBIP is providing consultancy services particularly in the following areas:
- Identification of Techno-economically attractive hydro projects in states.
- Preparation of pre-feasibility, feasibility and detailed project report (DPR) for small, medium and large projects.
- Environmental audits and assessments, hydrology site remediation, regulatory compliance.
- Clearance of PFR's & DPR's from concerned authorities.
- Renovation,modernization and up rating.
- Technical Audit Of Hydropower Plants in operation.
- Carbon Finance.
- Power purchase agreements (PPA)/MoU.
- Preparation of operation and maintenance manuals.
- Manpower planning and Development of Training Schedule for O&M personnel.
- Energy Auditing & Energy Conservation,
- Inventory/Assets/Spare Parts Management.
- RCC Dam technology for which an MoU has been signed with MMTEC.
- Irrigation,Hydel Projects, CAD Programme funded by AIBP, World Bank and International agencies.
- R&R work for Irrigation Power and Multipurpose projects.
- Dm safety programme.
- Up gradation of existing dams.
- Geophysical investigation for solving engineering and geological, geotechnical,engineering ground water and environmental problems innovative geo[physical solutions to near- surface geological problems.
- High resolution sub-surface imaging.
- Ground water modeling and GIS
- Soil and ground water investigation and remediation risk assessment, environmentral assessments and impact statements.
- Soil and ground water remediation.
- Soil/rock properties, ground, improvement, infrastructure, foundations, earth structures and construction observations.
- Laboratory testing services and forensic engineering services.
- Construction material testing, geo-environmenatal studies.
- Environment site assessment, geotechnical engineering, construction material testing, drilling and coring services.
- Automated laboratory testing, field instrumentation ,geotechnical consulting and expert with ness services.
- Mechanical, physical and chemical properties testing services for soils, rock, geo-suynthetics and other geo-materials.
- Geotechnical measurements, slope stabilization foundations and retaining structures.
- Numerical modeling and analysis for dam, powerhouses, underground excavations.
- Non destructive testing for concrete, RCC, prestressed concrete and steel.
- Technical service for soil improvement technologies,such as wick drains stone, columns, vibroflotation and Geosynthetices Reinforcement.