The CIBP Library has rendered dedicated services to the Engineering Community in promoting Research & Development in Water Resources, Energy and Allied Discipllines .It is evolved for dissemination of technical information to engineering community on technical developments through its techonogical information which are documented in various types of conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, Research & Develpoment Sessions etc.
CBIP Library collection includes technical publication on various conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, Research & Development sessions , technical reports, standards, periodicals. It also includes nonprint material like CDs, Video Cassettes
Library is providing online access to its database by Libsys Software.All bibliographical information of library is avaible 24X7 through WEBOPAC.
To access Libsys, kindly click here
To get access to maximum sources library is join the Develoing Library Network on 2007.
It provides the online access to millions of references from worldwide data. It gives the references photocopy and interlibrary loan facility.
To access Delnet, kindly click here
9.00 am to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday
Closed on all holidays.