Sector |
MW |
%age |
State Sector |
76,240.57 |
52.5 |
Central Sector |
48,970.99 |
34.0 |
Private Sector |
22246.25 |
13.5 |
Total |
1,47,457.81 |
Power for All by 2012

Fuel |
MW |
%age |
Total Thermal |
93,332.64 |
64.6 |
Coal |
48,970.99 |
34.0 |
Gas |
22246.25 |
13.5 |
Oil |
1,199.75 |
0.9 |
Hydro (Renewable) |
36,762.76 |
24.7 |
Nuclear |
4,120.00 |
2.9 |
RES** (MNRE) |
13242.41 |
7.7 |
Total |
1,47,457.81 |
Renewable Energy Sources(RES) include SHP, BG, BP, U&I and Wind Energy.
Abbreviation :
- SHP = Small Hydro Project
- BG = Biomas Gasfier
- BP = Biomass Power
- U & I = Urban & Industrial Water Power
- RES = Renewable Sources.
Note :
- The SHP capacity of 1168 MW which was covered under the conventional Hydro capacity has been transferred to RES. 60.51 MWof captive capacity has been deducted from total SHP capacity under RES. Similarily wind capacity of 177.67 MW covered under captive( 06-07) capacity has also been deducted from wind power capacity under RES.
- The Shares of Sipat TPS(NTPC) are proposed shares, still to be approved.
- ( ** ) Based on data as on 30.09.2008 as furnished by MNRE
- Capacity of Valuthur CCGT(ST) of 32.4 MW,Kutch Lignite of 75MW Capacity Sugen CCPP, Block-1 (376 MW), Gautami CCPP, GT-1&2(each 145 MW) & Giral Lignite-II Unit-2(125 MW ) Synchronized during August 08 to December 2008 but the same have not been added to the Installed Capacity in view of defininition of commissioning of thermal Projects.
- Unit Nos 2 of 60 MW(derated to 55MW) of Faridabad TPS retired w.e.f. 15.01.09.
- Figures at second place of decimal may not tally due to rounding off by computer.