Society of Power Engineers (India)
Member Category Details

Membership Fee:

Category Minimum Qualification Minimum year of Experience Minimum Age Admission Fee in Rs Subscription in Rs
Life Fellow Degree in Engg. 10 40 150 2500
Life Member Degree in Engg. 5 30 50 1500

Category Minimum Qualification Minimum year of Experience Minimum Age Admission Fee in Rs Annual Subscription in Rs
Fellow Degree in Engg. 10 40 150 300
Member Degree in Engg. 5 30 50 200
Associate Member Degree/Diploma in Engg. 1 22 40 150
Student Member Student of Degree or Diploma - 18 25 75

Institutional Member Annual Subscription in Rs
Group A(Public or Private Sector Industries)-20 members will be registered 20,000
Group B(Academic Institutions)- 5 members will be registered 5,000

Compounding Fee for Life Membership : A member may become a life member and a fellow can become life Fellow by paying a lump-sum subscription at the compounding rate given below:
S. No. Age Compounded Fee
1. Above 30 years upto 35 10 times the annual subscription
2. Above 36 years upto 40 9 times the annual subscription
3. Above 41 years upto 50 8 times the annual subscription
4. Above 51 years upto 59 6 times the annual subscription
5. Above 59 4 times the annual subscription

Brief Details regarding Membership:

1. All applications shall be sent to: The Secretary, Society of Power Engineers (India), C/o Central  
    Board of Irrigation & Power, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021

2. All applications  shall be accompanied by the payment to include annual subscription and (in the case
    of new applicants) admission fees.

3. The payments shall preferably be made by the demand draft/ cheque DD/cheque shall be drwan in the
    name of " The society of Power Engineers (India)" and crossed. In the case of outstation cheques a
    sum of Rs 10/- shall be added towards the bank charges.

4. The society's halfyearly publication entitled "Power Journal" is distributed free of charge to all
     members of society.

Presently no membership plans are available