International Society for Rock Mechanics (India)

   Benefits Membership

ISRM (India) provides information regarding latest developments in the subject to its members and all its members automatically enrolled as members of ISRM. The member gets the following benefits:

  • The ISRM membership directory, published in 4 years, with full addresses, telephone, telefax and e-mail numbers of members

  • ISRM News Journal from ISRM Secretariat

  • ISRM (India) News Letter published four times a year

  • Literature/ information bulletions of seminar/ conferences pertaining to the subject being organized by different organizations in India / abroad

  • Can submit papers to International Seminar / Conferences being organized by International Society for Rock Mechanics through the National Committee

  • Can submit nomination for Rocha Medal to ISRM Secretariat through Indian National Committee ( Rocha Medal is a bronze Medal and cash prize has been awarded annually since 1982 by the ISRM to recognize outstanding young researchers in the field of Rock Mechanics)

  • Discount rates in publications and registration fee etc.